We’re about to let you in on a little secret that millions of buyers, across the country don’t seem to know yet…
To ensure your components arrive on time, you need to ensure your supplier exudes Quality and Expertise.
That’s right, because the equation that counts is:
Quality + Expertise = Delivery on time
OK, so it’s not rocket science (though we can help you with that, give us a call…). But employing a precision engineering company with the requisite expertise ensures your parts are manufactured to the quality required within the time frame agreed. It will make a huge difference in the long run. Let me explain.
The First Secret: Quality
It’s not a secret?!
Well, tell that to the purchasers who make their decisions based on cost alone! Cheap is cheap for a reason because somewhere corners are cut!
Buyer’s obsessed with cost above all else, miss something important. While better quality precision engineering may appear more expensive it will actually save you money (and time) in the long run!
When the manufacture quality is not up to scratch, your components will inevitably require reworking. This incurs an outlay of time to bring them up to the required standard.
This can mean your delivery date is pushed back and in certain circumstances could result in penalties for late delivery downstream. Ouch!
The moral of the story is simple, insist on quality, to avoid:
- Incorrectly engineered components
- Rework time
Secret no. 2: Expertise
The following statement must be one of the most overused, yet ignored sentences to pop up on LinkedIn.
Do you know it?
If you think a professional is expensive, try using an amateur.
But there’s reason why it is popular. It’s true!
Expertise means getting the job right first time, avoiding mistakes, reworking and the extra hassle of putting mistakes right.
This efficiency results in much quicker turn around, so your delivery has every opportunity to arrive on time!
The moral – opt for expertise rather than paying for somebody to learn on the job!
The Part Nobody Seems To Understand
There’s no point denying it, a supplier with the Expertise to manufacture complex components to the required Quality first time of asking is streets ahead of the under performing engineer. And can manage your timeline each and every time!
If the engineering company you use lacks either the requisite quality or expertise, delays will inevitably start to creep in!
And, even if something does go wrong, the experts have the scope to compensate, rectify the error and still make the deadline. That professional sounds good…
Does It Really Make A Difference?
Well, find out for yourself.
Our case study showcases how the expertise of our engineers and the quality of our work saved the day for one of our clients.